Appropriations of the Fund

The Fund grants financial resources to legal and natural persons for the purpose of financing the programmes, projects and other activities, set out in the Act on the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund in the form of:

  • loans,
  • subsidies,
  • financial assistance and
  • donations.

Financial resources are granted on the basis of a completed call for proposals or public call.

Appropriations of the Fund are used primarily to finance the programmes, projects and similar activities set out in accordance with the National Environmental Strategy and the National Environmental Action Plan, the Energy Development Strategy and the Implementation Programme for the Energy Development Strategy and national energy programmes.

Appropriations of the Fund may be used solely for the purposes for which they were granted.
If the beneficiary of funding fails to use the resources in the manner and for the purposes specified in the contract, the beneficiary shall repay the Fund the amount spent for non-earmarked purposes and shall be liable to compensate any damage to the Fund in the manner specified in the contract on the use of funding.


The appropriations of the Fund are granted to legal and natural persons for the purposes of financing as set out in the Act on the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund based on the calls published by the Fund.

The Fund will not publish the call for proposals in the case where it, as a contracting party, directly co-finances and participates in the implementation of the programmes, projects and similar activities under the Act on the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund.

General acts of the Fund set out the terms and conditions which have to be fulfilled by the beneficiaries of the Fund’s appropriations, the terms and conditions for granting financial resources, the criteria and benchmarks for evaluating the applications for financial assistance of the Fund, and the method for monitoring dedicated use of the resources and contracted obligations between the Fund and beneficiaries of its financial assistance.
In the process of financing the above programmes, projects and similar activities, the Fund cooperates with the banks and other financial institutions.