Today, after the signing of contract for financing remediation of bales, a meeting was held at the Varaždin County palace with businessmen and entrepreneurs from Varaždin County, with participation of the minister of economy, the Varaždin County mayor, and the director and deputy director of the Fund.
The director of the Fund pointed out that Varaždin County and its businessmen and entrepreneurs were renowned and respected as leaders of Croatian development. "This is evidenced by numerous projects in which they participate, either through the financing of the Fund, or through numerous European projects. For instance, around 200 enterprises applied to the first big call of the Fund and the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development for the installation of solar panels in the processing industry, and 18 from Varaždin County," said Balen. He then invited them to enter into in future programs of the Fund, singling out the programme of energy renovation of family houses and the programme for co-financing the purchase of electric vehicles, for which a record high budget was set in 2024.
Minister Habijan pointed out that northern Croatia, including Varaždin County, has the most propulsive economy in Croatia. "As you know, the trend of declining inflation rates continued in 2024, which means that Croatian economy is sound. This confirms that previous government assistance packages have produced concrete results, and I consider the third package aimed at relieving entrepreneurs, repealing parafiscal charges amounting to more than 130 million euros, to be extremely important. We are also eliminating administrative barriers for investors and entrepreneurs. The Government and the Ministry will continue with such policies and measures, with the aim of creating a stimulating framework encouraging investments and business," concluded Minister Habijan.
The mayor of Varaždin County Anđelko Stričak sees a new opportunity for entrepreneurs in today's signing of the Agreement for remediation of waste bales. "Remediation of the landfill will open opportunities for entrepreneurs to start building production halls in this area, and other investments that will improve our economy, which is already the third strongest in Croatia," he pointed out and stated that 4,673 companies, 3,519 trades, and 7,589 family holding were registered in the county, i.e. that about 16,190 citizens were engaged in some form of entrepreneurship. "The Varaždin County Development Plan until 2027 defines 50 important investments for the county, and on this day we have hit 65 investments already that have started, are in the design stage, or in the pipeline. In addition, we have the largest private capital investment cycle on record worth over 300 million euros. I believe it is the largest investment cycle of its kind in Croatia," pointed out the county mayor, thanking all entrepreneurs and businessmen for their contribution to the development of Varaždin County.