Predaja otpada
About us
Activities of the Fund
Sources and purpose of funding
Appropriations of the Fund
Organisational structure
Board of Directors
Protection of employees' dignity
Areas of activity
Environmental protection
Biological and landscape diversity
Circular economy
Civil society organisations projects
Remediation of pit Sovjak
Climate change and air protection
Programme for promoting research and development activities in the field of climate change
Technical assistance for green infrastructure development and/or circular management of space and buildings projects
Global Environment Facility Grant
Nature protection - NATURA 2000
Improved insight into the condition of biological diversity as the basis for the efficient management of biodiversity
Setting up the framework for sustainable biodiversity management
Demining, protection and restoration of forests and forest land in protected and Natura 200 areas
Environmentally friendly management systems and independent evaluation
Education and other projects
Waste prevention - information campaign
Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency in the building sector
Energy certification
Energy renovation of family houses
Energy renovation of apartment buildings
Co-financing of condensing boilers
Energy renovation of non-residential buildings
Energy renovation of public buildings
Systematic energy management
Renewable energy sources
Co-financing of photovoltaic power plants on family houses
Low emissions transport
Co-financing the purchase of energy efficient vehicles
Other energy efficiency measures in transport
Public lighting
One Stop Shop
Be the change – energy saving campaign
Modernisation Fund
Waste management
Special categories of waste
Waste packaging in the Deposit Return System
Electrical and electronic waste
Waste tyres
Waste oils
End-of-life vehicles
Waste batteries and accumulators
Waste containing asbestos
Other special categories of waste
Procurement of containers for separate collection of waste
Najava Javnog poziva za iskaz interesa za nabavu spremnika za odvojeno prikupljanje otpada
Status projekta nabave spremnika za odvojeno prikupljanje otpada
PROJEKT NABAVE SPREMNIKA - terminski planovi i zapisnici
Landfills and remediation
Civic amenity sites
Utility equipment and vehicles
Waste management after earthquake in Sisak-Moslavina County
Waste management centres
WMC Marišćina
WMC Kaštijun
WMC Bikarac
WMC Biljane Donje
WMC Piškornica
WMC Babina gora
WMC Lećevica
WMC Lučino razdolje
WMC Orlovnjak
WMC Šagulje
Zagreb / Zagreb County
Pilot project “Reduce food waste, cook for your guests”
Project promoting less use of plastic bags
Intermediate Body level 2
Access to information
Access to information
General acts of the Fund
State aid
Program dodjele potpora male vrijednosti (de minimis) 2024
Program dodjela potpora male vrijednosti (de minimis) za razdoblje od 10.ožujka 2021. do kraja 2023. godine
Program dodjela potpora male vrijednosti (de minimis) za razdoblje 2015.-2021.
Program dodjele državnih potpora za zaštitu okoliša - 2020.
Program dodjele državnih potpora za zaštitu okoliša za razdoblje 2015.-2017.Nova kategorija
Regulations on fees in the field of environmental and nature protection, energy efficiency, and renewable energy sources
Regulations in the field of environmental protection and waste management
Regulations in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources
Public procurement
Public procurement
Register of public procurement contracts and framework agreements
General acts
Conflict of interest statement
Prior consultations with interested economic operators
Usluge stručnog nadzora za uklanjanje otpadne troske na lokaciji „Crno brdo“ Biljane DonjeNova kategorija
Poslužiteljska oprema Nova kategorija
Ongoing procedures
Dobrovoljno zdravstveno osiguranje
Usluge integracija te preventivnog, korektivnog i adaptivnog održavanja ERP i DMS rješenja
Obnova i nadogradnja licenci i tehničke podrške za postojeće proizvode mrežnim prometom i sigurnost
Obnova i nadogradnja licenci i tehničke podrške za postojeće proizvode centralne poslužiteljske i mrežne opreme
Poslužiteljska oprema
Uspostava i nadzor kibernetičke sigurnosti
Smješaj web sustava – ponovljeni postupak
PROFIL- Računalna oprema i ispisni uređaji 2024
Održavanje, nadogradnja i integracija Konto programskog paketa
PROFIL- Javna govorna usluga mobilne telefonije 2024
Sigurnosne vezice za zatvaranje LDPE vreća za PET, Al Fe i stakleni ambalažni otpad
Radovi uklanjanja otpadne troske na lokaciji „Crno brdo“ Biljane Donje
Usluga distribucije namjenskih vreća i vezica
Poštanske usluge
Procurement procedures exempt from the Public Procurement Act (simple procurement)
Održavanje internet stranice Fonda
Memorandumi, košuljice za spise, koverte, mape, vizitke, sitni uredski i potrošni materijal, papirnate vrećice s logotipom Fonda
Sanitarna oprema i sredstva za čišćenje
Prior consultations archives
Public procurement procedures archives
Archives of procurement procedures exempt from the Public Procurement Act
Sanitarna oprema - 2021
Toneri i tinte
Sanitarna oprema i sredstva za čišćenje
Pilot projekt - web prijave za javne pozive projekata energetske učinkovitosti i obnovljivih izvora energije
Analiza sastava odvojeno prikupljenog reciklabilnog otpada u sklopu javne usluge prikupljanja miješanog komunalnog otpada s naglaskom na ambalažni otpad
Sanitarna oprema i sredstva za čišćenje
Sanitarna oprema i sredstva za čišćenje
Toneri i tinte
Personal data protection
Zatvoreni natječaji
Fees and charges
Fees pursuant to the Act on the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund
Charges on polluters of the environment
Environmental user fee
Charges on burdening the environment with waste
Municipal waste charge and/or the charge on non-hazardous technological waste
Charge on hazardous waste
Special environmental charge for motor vehicles
Fees pursuant to the Act on Waste Management
Packaging and packaging waste fee
Additional obligations of producers/importers of beverages in the deposit system
Fee for the management of EE waste
Fee for the management of end-of-life vehicles
Fee for the management of waste tyres
Fee for the management of waste batteries and accumulators
Fee for the management of waste lubricant oils
Fee for the special waste categories management system
Municipal waste disposal charge (gate fee)
Incentive for reducing mixed municipal waste
Construction waste disposal charge
Fees pursuant to the Air Protection Act
Fee for destroying controlled substances and/or fluorinated greenhouse gases
Fees pursuant to the Environmental Protection Act
Instructions and notices
Communication kit
Obavijest o iskorištenosti sredstava po javnom pozivu JP ZO 2-23
Site map
Information for users
Obavijest o iskorištenosti sredstava po javnom pozivu JP ZO 2-23
Obavijest o iskorištenosti sredstava