Regulations in the field of environmental protection and waste management

Act on the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (OG 107/03144/12)
Environmental Protection Act (OG 80/13153/1378/15)
Act on Sustainable Waste Management (OG 94/1373/1714/1998/19)
Air Protection Act (OG 130/1147/1461/17118/18127/19)
Ordinance on the management of construction waste and waste containing asbestos (OG 69/16)
Ordinance on the management of waste tyres (OG 113/16)
Ordinance on waste management  (OG 23/1451/14)
Ordinance on packaging and waste packaging (OG 88/15), 78/16116/1714/20)
Decision on areas of collection of non-hazardous waste packaging (OG 102/18)
Ordinance on the management of waste tyres (OG 40/0631/09156/09111/1186/13)
Ordinance on the management of end-of-life vehicles  (OG 136/0631/09156/0953/1286/13, 91/13, 125/1590/1660/1872/1881/20)
Decision on modification of the fee in the waste oils management system on modifications of  the fees and charges in the end-of-life vehicles and waste tyres management systems (OG 40/1557/20)
Ordinance on the management of waste oils (OG 124/06121/0831/09156/0991/1145/1286/13)
Decision on modification of the fee in the waste oils management system (OG 95/15, 57/20)
Ordinance on the management of waste batteries and accumulators (OG 133/0631/09156/0945/1286/13, 111/15)
Ordinance on the management of waste electric and electronic devices and equipment (OG 74/07133/0831/09156/09143/1286/13, 7/20)
Ordinance on the management of waste electric and electronic equipment (OG 42/1448/14107/14139/1411/197/20)
Ordinance on restricting the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (OG 131/1316/14)
Ordinance on the method and procedures of management of waste containing asbestos (OG 42/07),
 Ordinance on the environmental protection label (OG 70/0881/11)
Ordinance on the environmental protection label of the European Union – the EU Ecolabel (OG 110/14)
Regulation on the management of municipal waste (OG 50/17)
Regulation on information and participation of the public and interested public in environmental matters (OG 64/08)
Regulation on categories, types and classification of waste with waste catalogue and the list of hazardous waste (OG 50/0539/09)
Regulation on substances depleting the ozone layer and fluorinated greenhouse gases (OG 90/14)
Regulation on voluntary participation of organisations in the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) (OG 77/14)
Regulation on the management of waste packaging (OG 97/157/20)
Regulation on the management of batteries and accumulators (OG 105/1557/20)
Regulation on the management of end-of-life vehicles (OG 112/15)
Programmes and plans
Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Croatia (OG 30/09)
Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2017 – 2022 (OG)
Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2007 – 2015 (OG)
  • Amendments to the  Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2007 – 2015 (OG)
Programme for granting de minimis state aid in the field of environmental protection, energy efficiency, and use of renewable energy  (OG)