Waste oils

Waste oil is any oil (plant, animal, mineral, synthetic, industrial insulation, and/or thermal oil) which is no longer usable for its originally intended purpose.
We differentiate between waste cooking oils and waste lubricating oils.
Waste cooking oils which are degradable and represent non-hazardous waste, comprise all oils resulting from the catering and hospitality sector, industry, trades and crafts, medical services, public services, and other similar activities where more than 20 meals per day are prepared. They are a valuable raw material for the production of biodiesel.
Waste lubricating oils are hazardous waste because 1 litre of oil can contaminate one million litres of water, or permanently pollute the soil because, in general, lubricants are not biodegradable. They represent a valuable raw material because they can be regenerated and used as the raw material to produce fresh lubricating oils, or in the process of material recovery they can be used to obtain esters used in the production of soap, washing agents and similar. Waste lubricating oils are also a valuable energy generating product in power and
production plants with installed equipment power greater or equal to 3 MW, because this type of recovery prevents environmental pollution.
Waste oils management includes the procedures of collection, pre-treatment/conditioning, and their regeneration or material recovery and energy recovery.
In the process of waste oils management it is prohibited to:
  • discharge waste oils into surface wasters, ground waters, coastal waters, and drainage systems,
  • dispose and/or discharge waste oils detrimental to the soil, as well as any uncontrolled discharge or residues from the waste oils treatment,
  • recover and/or dispose of waste oils causing air pollution above the thresholds stipulated in the regulations in force, and which affect human health, and flora and fauna,
  • collect waste oils into containers that are not duly equipped for holding waste oils.