Workshop on energy efficient vehicles incentives system


An introductory workshop was held at the Hrvoje Požar Energy Institute to analyse the incentives system for energy efficient vehicles.

After having been implemented for eight years, the plan is to analyse the programme in detail with the aim of adjusting the method of co-financing used so far, taking into account European practice, past experiences from programme implementation in Croatia, proposals from all interested stakeholders, as well as national goals for the transport system transformation.
In addition to the representatives of the Fund and the Energy Institute, whose experts are conducting the technological and economic analysis of the model, the workshop was attended by representatives of the relevant ministries: the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure, and the Ministry of Finance – Tax Administration and Customs Administration. Interested stakeholders were represented by members of the Association of motor vehicles dealerships at the Croatian Chamber of Economy, as well as other representatives of the automotive industry and civic associations that promote e-mobility.

"The Fund have been implementing the Drive Economically Programme since 2014. For various categories comprising almost 8,700 energy-efficient vehicles, we have so far secured a little over 48 million euros in grants, and the impact this has had on the fleet structure in Croatia is undeniable. However, we still have to work on how to reach similar sale levels of energy-efficient vehicles as in other European countries,” said Maja Rajčić, head of the Energy Efficiency Sector at the Fund, presenting the results achieved so far in the implementation of the program.
In the past 2 years, the co-financing model included direct cooperation with car dealerships and other representatives of the targeted public, yielding excellent results and a large increase in the utilisation of allocated funds. However, given the goals that need to be achieved in reducing emissions from transport, as well as greater availability and more acceptable price of these vehicles, it is necessary to analyse all the requirements for incentives so far, and this includes the analysis of the amount of granted incentives.

At the workshop, numerous constructive and concrete proposals could be heard from all interested stakeholders, which will be considered for potential changes to the program. The analysis will be completed soon, based on which the parameters for the continuation of the scheme, which is expected this autumn, will be defined. All information about the new model and conditions will be available to the public on the Fund’s website in due time.