About us

The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund was established under the provisions of Article 60, paragraph 5, of the Environmental Protection Act (OG 82/94 and 128/99) and Article 11 of the Energy Act (OG 68/01). The Act on the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund was published in the Official Gazette No. 107/03), and it is applied as of 1 January 2004. 

 In accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act, the Fund is established for the purpose of securing additional resources for the financing of projects, programmes and similar activities in the field of conservation, sustainable use, protection and improvement of the environment.

Under the provisions of the Energy Act, the Fund is established for participating with its resources in the financing of the national energy programmes, with a view to achieving energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources.

Under the provisions of the Act on the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, the Fund is established for the purpose of financing of the preparation, implementation and development of programmes and projects and similar activities in the field of conservation, sustainable use, protection and improvement of the environment, and in the field of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources.

The Fund is established as an extra-budgetary fund in the capacity of a legal person with public authority set out in said Act. Public authority means adoption of administrative acts on payment of the fees and special fee, keeping the register of person liable to pay the fees, specifying the requirements to be fulfilled by beneficiaries of the Fund’s financial resources and conditions for granting the funding.

Apart from the provisions of the Act on the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, the Fund is subject to the provision of the Budget Act, the General Tax Act and the General Administrative Procedure Act.

The Founder’s rights and duties are exercised by the Croatian Government on behalf of the Republic of Croatia.

The Fund manages and disposes of the funding for the tasks and purpose set out in the Act on the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund. The Fund is liable for its obligations with all its assets.

The Republic of Croatia has joint and several and unlimited liability for the obligations of the Fund.