Packaging waste

Packaging waste management is a complex activity aimed at preventing the landfilling of waste packaging.
Not only is it detrimental to the environment, but the landfilling of packaging waste represents quite significant economic damage because substances with valuable material and/or energy properties are landfilled (paper, cardboard, metal, plastics, glass, wood).
Packaging is everything that, in relation to the product, is used for protection, transport, use, information and environmental purposes, and which has to be disposed of or thrown away prior to or during the consumption of the product (contents). At that moment, packaging becomes waste.
Packaging waste is divided into the following categories of material:
  • paper/cardboard,  
  • plastics,
  • wood, 
  • metal, 
  • composite, 
  • glass, 
  • textile,
The Republic of Croatia is implementing the deposit scheme for waste packaging units (bottles and cans) made from PET, glass, and Al/Fe.